Saturday, April 4

Wow...I Forgot This Blog Was Still In The Universe...

Hello...nearly nobody.

Maybe it's better that this blog is void of readers. Feels almost better to send my thoughts out into the void, than to people who might actually judge me for them. (Although I know a few people still read.)

I suppose nothing has changed and a lot has changed since last I wrote. Rob and I are still in the apartment, only because of the generosity of my parents. And it's hard. And none of that has changed. 

I am officially going to UNCA in the Fall and looking forward to it more than I had ever thought I would. It worked out exactly the way I wanted. I told myself I wouldn't go until I was sure, until I was DYING to go, until I regretted not going for so long, and then I would know I was ready. And I'm there. I knew I would get there. I just had to take my own time, I suppose. 

So that's fun. In the meantime I'm just trying to decide what to do for the next few months. It looks like I'll be taking a trip to Shanghai this summer to visit my friend Cynthia. I might move out of my apartment in about a month and move back home so I can try to save some money for travel and college. That means Rob and I will be splitting earlier than we planned, and that idea makes me very sad. I do love living here, and I was really looking forward to the pool, and the fun, and the close friends. But moving back to the farm might work out too. It doesn't really work financially to be here. So unless Robbie can find something full-time here in the next month, we'll probably split. Goodness knows where he'll end up. Hopefully on his feet at some point is my only hope. 

But things are looking good for me. No matter the struggles I'll go through in the coming months, I have a lot of good stuff to look forward to. A whole new life, which I've been needing. I learned what I needed to learn, I made the mistakes I needed to make, and I feel pretty good about the whole thing. But I am ready to move on, even as sad as it might be. So that's about it. All I can think of to write in this blog any more is updates, and those seem to be dull. If I didn't think I'd be too busy for it, I'd probably decide to start a new, fresh blog about my new, up-coming life. But I doubt I'll have the time at college. So for now (unless anything else comes up) I'll thank the universe for listening, and send this off into the void as my last post, for a while at least. I did find some great goodness after all, it just didn't look like what I thought it might. But when do we ever find what we're looking for, eh? As Charlie said at the end of The Perks of Being a Wallflower, "please believe that things are good with me, and even when they are not, they will be soon enough." If you want more details, email, write, call, or find me on Facebook. 



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Kate, I am glad to hear you've found a few things that you've been looking for in all you've done these last couple of years! I am glad you're looking forward to college and not just going to go and hate it, but that you're excited to try something new! I will miss reading your blog cause you always had something going on, but I will look for you on facebook (it is down right now) and hopefully we can keep in touch!